Did You Know? Ideas From Our Weekly Podcast - Happy Hour in the Spiritual Neighborhood
Ideas spurred from our weekly podcast.
Deborah Colleen Rose
1/23/20254 min read
On our recent podcast, "Happy Hour in the Spiritual Neighborhood," we had an exciting conversation about spiritual gifts. It got me thinking – I don't hear many people saying they don’t want a spiritual gift. Instead, most folks wish they had things like better intuition or a clearer understanding of the world around them. But then, once they realize, “Wait, maybe I do know things!” – the fear often kicks in. They get nervous about stepping into their gifts because they're afraid of being wrong or being seen as "weird" or "odd." And honestly, I totally get that!
Here’s the thing though – we’re human! We’re allowed to be wrong sometimes. And just like any other talent or skill, spiritual gifts improve with practice. It’s okay to take baby steps! Besides, none of us are meant to have all the answers all the time. If we did, we'd be operating on a supernatural level, not living a human experience.
I also get asked a lot about the difference between metaphysical gifts and Christian spiritual gifts. As a Christian, I don’t see much of a difference when it comes to the gifts themselves – the biggest difference is often how we name them and where we believe they come from. Some people feel their gifts come from the universe or their inner self, while others believe they come from a divine or magical source. For me personally, I believe my gifts come from God, and I think we’re shown what they are and how to use them, just as Christ demonstrated His gifts during His time on Earth. So there’s a lot to unpack here depending on where you’re coming from!
With that in mind, here’s a list of spiritual gifts, both common and metaphysical, that you might recognize – whether from Christian tradition or other spiritual practices:
Prophecy: The ability to receive and share divine messages, often concerning future events or spiritual truths. It’s about delivering insights to guide others.
Healing: The gift to heal others physically, emotionally, or spiritually, often through touch, energy work, or prayer.
Discernment of Spirits: The ability to sense the presence and nature of spirits, energies, or entities, discerning what is good and what may be harmful.
Wisdom: A deep understanding of spiritual matters or life situations, often used to offer guidance and advice to others.
Knowledge: The gift of knowing things that are hidden or beyond ordinary perception – often through intuitive insight or divine revelation.
Faith: An extraordinary trust in the divine, especially in challenging times, helping you persevere through difficulties.
Miracles: The ability to perform extraordinary acts that seem to defy the laws of nature, often attributed to divine intervention.
Tongues (Speaking in Tongues): The ability to speak in a language not understood by the speaker, often believed to be a divine or spiritual language used for prayer or communication.
Interpretation of Tongues: The ability to interpret someone speaking in tongues, translating the spiritual message they’re conveying.
Leadership: The ability to guide, inspire, and lead others on their spiritual journey or in a community.
Service: The gift of selflessly helping others, whether through acts of kindness, compassion, or providing for their physical and emotional needs.
Teaching: The ability to explain spiritual truths in a way that others can understand and apply to their lives.
Exhortation: Encouraging and motivating others in their spiritual journey, helping them stay connected to their faith.
Administration: The gift of organizing and managing resources, people, and activities for a higher purpose or divine plan.
Generosity: The ability to give freely, whether it’s time, resources, or energy, to help others or support a cause.
Mercy: A deep compassion for those who are suffering, offering care, comfort, and emotional support.
Hospitality: Making others feel welcome, safe, and loved, often through offering shelter, food, or companionship.
Intercession (Intercessory Prayer): Praying on behalf of others with a deep spiritual connection, asking for divine intervention on their behalf.
Spiritual Warfare: Engaging in prayer or spiritual practices to protect from negative energies or forces.
Intuition: The ability to perceive things beyond ordinary senses, including seeing future events or hidden truths.
Clairvoyance: The ability to see things beyond the normal range of sight – including visions of the past, present, or future, and spiritual insights.
Clairsentience: The ability to feel or sense emotions, energies, or physical sensations in others or the environment, often through intuitive impressions.
Clairaudience: The ability to hear spiritual messages, guidance, or communication from higher realms or entities.
Claircognizance: The ability to know things without any prior knowledge or logical reasoning – it's like receiving intuitive "downloads" of information.
Clairalience: The ability to smell scents that are not physically present – often linked to messages from spirits or a specific symbolic meaning.
Clairgustance: The ability to taste things that aren’t physically present, often as a way to receive spiritual messages or insights.
Mediumship: The ability to communicate with spirits or entities from the spiritual realm, often bringing messages to loved ones or offering guidance.
Angel Communication: The ability to connect with and receive guidance from angels or other celestial beings, often for support or wisdom.
Energy Healing: Channeling healing energy to restore balance and health, whether physical or spiritual, to others.
As you can see, some spiritual traditions, like Christianity, focus on specific gifts mentioned in scripture, while other traditions, like New Age or esoteric practices, often emphasize gifts like clairvoyance or energy healing. But regardless of where you stand, it’s clear that everyone has the potential to experience and develop spiritual gifts. And while some of these are not mentioned by name, I think examples of all of these can be found in the Bible and other spiritual writings for most major religions. It’s all about being open to them, exploring, and practicing what comes naturally to you.

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